DPP Žilina

DPP Žilina

DPP Zilina, Ltd. is a Slovak company with an experienced team of professionals focused on engineering geology, hydrogeology, geotechnics, field measurements and the environment. DPP Zilina, Ltd. was established in 2016 as a subsidiary of Dopravoprojekt company, Bratislava.

The company’s activities are mainly related to the preparation and implementation of transport infrastructure and work as a geological service – a subcontractor of Slovak and foreign design offices and construction companies.

It offers clients services in the field of geological surveys, monitoring and geological surveillance.

The range of services covers the preparation, construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of emergencies of roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, water management structures, railways, as well as apartment buildings, apartment complexes and multifunctional buildings.

The offer of works also includes consulting activities for all components of geological surveys and research.

The company cooperates with State geological institute of Dionýz Štúr and with academic workplaces, especially with the University of Žilina, the Slovak University of Technology, the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Bratislava and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

The company is a member of the Slovak Tunneling Association and has its representatives in the Slovak Association of Engineering Geologists and the Slovak Association of Hydrogeologists .

Important clients